How old do you have to be to get a tattoo?
You MUST BE AT LEAST 18 and be able to provide a valid photo ID (such as driver's license or passport) in order to get a tattoo in the state of NH. It is against the law to tattoo anyone under the age of 18 (yes, even with parental consent). Remember, tattoos last a lifetime.
How Much Does a Tattoo Cost?
Tattoos are charged by the hour as it's the most honest and fair pricing model. When it comes to tattoos you usually get what you pay for. That's not to say that the more money someone wants to charge you the better your tattoo will be. Look for quality first and be willing to pay for it. A respectable artist is not going to haggle over price and asking them to do so is disrespectful. These are tattoos, not secondhand clothing. This is something you wear for life
Should I Tip My Artist?
There are no set ground rules for tipping in this industry, but tips are a nice gesture and are always greatly appreciated (but never required). Artists have families to feed like anyone else. Your artist is sure to be thrilled with the recognition for a job well done if you choose to leave a tip.
Can I Bring In a Picture of What I Want?
Reference photos are often helpful and we encourage you to bring them to us when scheduling or meeting for a consultation. After discussing with you what you desire in a tattoo we can draw a custom piece of artwork that we feel will satisfy your needs and will flow well with your body and the placement you have chosen. Keep an open mind and remember that a great piece of art doesn't always translate into a great tattoo, it is a unique form of expression. We are going to do our best to come up with a one-of-a-kind tattoo that we can all be proud of. We would prefer not to do a tattoo that we wouldn't want our names associated with. Our goal is to please you by doing the best work we are capable of.
Should I Get Tattooed If I'm Sick?
If your immune system isn't 100% when you get your tattoo it can affect the healing process. You may also put your artist and others in the studio at risk of illness. It's much better to reschedule your appointment if you're not feeling well.
How Should I Prepare For My Tattoo?
Sleep well the night before. Eat a good breakfast and don't skip any meals because you're nervous. It's important that you're well nourished when you come for your appointment so you don't get light-headed or dizzy. It's also wise to bring candy or fruit juice with you. Sugar can help to counter-act that light-headed woozy feeling should it happen to occur. Always ask your artist for a break should you feel any of these symptoms. If you continue and try to fight through them they will always get worse, but most often with a short break, some sugar and slow sips of water you'll be feeling 100% in no time.