Get to know me

Mark Manley

Tattoo ARtist

After a long apprenticeship, I have been a licensed Tattoo Artist in the state of New Hampshire since February 2009 and previously held a license in Amherst, MA. Shortly after receiving my NH license I was blessed to spend nearly two years working with the amazingly talented Jesse Rix at his shop Secret Lake Tattoo in Keene, NH. I learned a lot during this time, but eventually chose to take a break from tattooing due to the demanding schedule of my music career and to take advantage of some big opportunities to perform with world famous musicians. Man, the arena gigs were a blast!

I eventually returned to New England and took a few spots as a guest artist, ending up back at Secret Lake Tattoo shortly before Jesse decided to close it's doors so he could transition to a private studio. In May of 2013 I opened Elm City Tattoo in place of Secret Lake Tattoo and operated out of that location until May 2018 when I closed the doors to relocate to my hometown of Hinsdale, NH.

I really enjoy creating a custom work of art that both myself and my client can be proud of. Give me your idea and let me roll with it. While not all great artwork lends itself well to tattooing, I am glad to sit down with a client and come up with something he/she will be happy with for years to come.